WinAll - Top Innovation After iPhone
Work & Play In Any Pose/Time/Place

Our WinAll article (link updated 11/5) has been featured in around 500 US news outlets. Before criminal Satya Nadella leadership is officially replaced by ours, we have to go with LinuxAll. Moderate businesses easily win without much Linux investments/efforts by letting hardware vendors do most jobs, like what loser Google did with Android, and bill our Linux platforms, gates to all businesses, as the solid stable income. Here is a 6' one adapted from GPD WIN4 with sim: b23.tv/HoOqBmc. We can mount foldable keyboard on the bag for faster mobile typing, or upgrade mini BT keyboard to orient left/right hand keys towards hands resting on asdf jkl; keys and at corners and bottom thumb holders, and optionally split into two parts. Other wearable keyboards can also be used. We compete with moderate prices BTW. Any multi-billion business excluding Alphabet/Apple can officially partner with us to win easily.
I contacted Intel for top leadership and LinuxAll acquisition, besides Lenovo. We can buy 6-8 inch Linux powerful tablet PCs with sim/cameras/sensors or computer phones online, such as aliexpress.us/item/3256806773429550.html and aliexpress.com/store/1101297179. We already can replace Google/Apple/Microsoft phones/tablets/PCs with these available Linux devices plus XR glasses, super power bank, and portable keyboard. Other multi-billion businesses are welcome to join the bids for us to recover from 2013 Trump/Vance's criminal/robbery or cancerous/harmful competitions till now to normal healthy ones and win together.
We may begin with Wubuntu wubuntu.org and quick fixes/opts banning 4 super rats' products including play store and clouds to easily convert 4 super rats' users to Linux ones with familiar Windows UI and Android subsystem, then migrate to our XR all-in-one UI/platforms. We may use Leap Motion Controller 1 2 on a DIY neck mount like placing it beneath hands to go with XR glasses without cameras. My virtual keyboard/mouse app may also be ported there. We got everything: hardware, OS, chip, software/apps, etc. to defeat 4 dead/near death super rats and win big quickly, except for top official leadership matching top innovations normally to be settled now.
​We also contacted Wubuntu and Ultraleap for top leadership and LinuxAll business growth. Small yet competitive promising businesses can also win with our innovation ownership and LinuxAll 1/2 products available. Some recruiters, buyers, and others contacted us, yet we only settle for top leadership of relevant OS/chip/hardware businesses or those to own Linux later. And please focus on assisting us to work with those we contacted instead of fruitless super rat options. It's important/desirable to have a dedicated device for hand tracking just like keyboard/mouse/touch and mobile device/PC are inseparable, and it's addictive to use hands as touchless virtual inputs intuitively. A faster typing algorithm is to draw the simplified Svalboard (better wearable compact cheaper or part of VR gloves) with 5 keys per/following finger tip till typing ready in Wubuntu XR UI w/o video see-thru/vision or foveated rendering, and detect key presses using Microgestures and model training/calibration. And there are many examples/guidelines for intuitive virtual mouse/touch/3D inputs 1 2 3.​
We super easily wiped out Microsoft and clean installed Wubuntu on Legion Go. Internet, XR glasses, graphics, apps, etc. all work well there, and presumably all other gaming tablet PCs and computer phones. We also got an imuto 100 watt 384oo mah power bank locally to charge Legion Go for 2.5+ times and last all day, and get better ones online later. We have everything now: Wubuntu, gaming tablet PC + old phone or computer phablet, XR glasses w/o vision, super power bank, and Leap motion controller 1/2 or portable keyboard. And we will test/build Leap Motion apps and design/develop Linux XR UI with them.
We have been happily using Wubuntu for work with all the best of Windows/Ubuntu/Android. And we may try gdm3 for advanced usage occasionally. There are many lighter smaller super power banks online https://shorturl.at/P0crD, ebay.com/itm/286227403039 and Amazon offers better deals. We can get a bigger one or multiple smaller ones. Ultraleap app runs faster there. It really feels good to work & play on clean competitive platforms. These products are available to use or setup for everyone to immediately escape/kill 4 super rats. We may try limited marketing. Americans are the most trustworthy witnesses/defense for our innovation ownership. We will still go for the best deal after LinuxAll is officially funded as it's unrealistic to lead it alone. We are working on LinuxAll deals. The fastest truthful route at this way too late timing is to donate on this webpage then reach us for official deals.
Now we need serious businesses/leaders interested in LinuxAll deals to directly donate $1000 here then contact us to donate $1 million as deposit before making deals, and top marketing businesses like Facebook, top media, PC/mobile vendors, etc. to do LinuxAll mass marketing to all their users for free, which helps our business rapidly grow, make deals ASAP, and reward them fairly after the best deal. We will make the vote webpage privately accessible only and use this LinuxAll webpage mainly or other website for marketing then. I will officially become top/dominant leader for far right Microsoft/Tesla or far left smaller businesses, and jointly lead moderate clean others after the deal, as I've already been doing unofficially.
Now that we are beating 4 super rats' politicians simultaneously, their stocks will all drop instead of Apple/Microsoft still robbing. With our vehicle leaving the wild animal zoo, other businesses can either directly make LinuxAll deal with donation deposit first or do LinuxAll mass marketing for free and get compensated after the deal, like normal business activities yet significantly sped up after over a decade of parallelization or 10 steps backwards are 11 steps forward.
The smaller lighter psooo 65w 50000mah super power bank ordered from Amazon yesterday charges Legion Go fast. I will test a ZKpilse one days later. I will also experiment with the Ultraleap XR keyboard module. There are apps or researches for reference, such as docs.ultraleap.com/ultralab/xr-keyboard, assetstore.unity.com/search#q=vr%20ui 1 2 and Meta's TouchInsight turning any surface, including a foldable or portable one mounted on upgraded magnetic neck phone holder with tracking sensors or shoulder bag, to keyboard and enabling fast typing with the drawback of sensors being mounted on bulky big HMD. We have independent development tools like Unity, Jetbrains, etc. to build our HCI platforms/apps. Again we have all the hardware and software or everything to terminate 4 super rats and move forward with our platforms/products now. Besides business deals and mass marketing, we are also contacting lawyers to file/win the lawsuit removing Trump/Vance and heavily fining them for funding first.
​We have 3 R&D projects for fast or efficient virtual inputs: 1. TouchInsight upgrades 1) Add virtual mouse with thumb-index-middle fingers as buttons and gestures 2) Make a smart neckwear, such as steel wire or magnetic neck to mount a) Hand/surface/spatial tracking sensors or Leap Motion Controller 1/2 if it works with TouchInsight b) Foldable or portable surface to type or operate on 3) LinuxAll Integration. 2. Fast air typing and inputs by simulating Svalboard with up to 6 keys around and moving with each finger tip till ready for typing, with palms facing or opposite to cameras, and updating TouchInsight or developing microgesture modules. 3. Sign language based inputs by making smart neckwear track facial expressions and upper body movements with back cameras and hand gestures with front cameras, and porting Vivo sign language translator app to LinuxAll. Relevant R&D folks may collaborate with us to release at least one of them ASAP, besides LinuxAll deals, mass marketing, and lawsuits.
The power bank from Shenzhen Zhongtong Battery also works well. MacOS can work much better than Wubuntu and Apple has great HCI resources too. I contacted Apple to replace its chairman or top/dominant leadership with me now. Qualcomm may merge with AMD to better compete against Intel and nVidia. My plan is for Apple to go LinuxAll, EVAll, CommunityAll, etc. I wrote some proposals near Apple campus and homestead rd before. For each of those major popular products, we will do both vertical and horizontal developments and integrations to lead/execute them efficiently successfully. We will just build and commercialize the appropriate products as normal with moderate prices and lead first. I'm also working with an executive search firm and joining a business sell event later, which may be spams or delay strategies again. So we do need to settle this matter ASAP. Others are welcome to make deals with me now.
Businesses or people interested in making deals with us shall also simply leverage the US Supreme Court to bar Trump/Vance from office with hefty fines against Alphabet/Tesla and their leaders, and stop their self-kill stock manipulations and crimes out of robberies. Bad quality businesses/people must lose to sustainably invest in our innovations. Those terminal ill criminals are dying and we can make deals along with class action lawsuits to lead safely now. I will add a few products to online shop for references instead of marketing though. There are some practical VR products with moderate prices, such as thinnest lightest VR glasses EM3 Ether, better for work & play in many cases, and VR gloves/treadmill/etc. We will build and market better products and platforms to eliminate bad quality businesses and people officially soon.
We are going with WinAll from now on and will directly make deal with Microsoft as this is inevitable outcome anyway. I will reinstall Windows 11 on Legion Go. Windows is also the best platform for VR/AR/gaming applications/devices. We shall expect official WinAll global launch pretty soon and eliminate bad quality businesses/people efficiently.
We contacted Microsoft for our WinAll only deal like before or when Microsoft dominated. Our first deal may be focusing on terminating Alphabet/Apple/Tesla and replacing Nadella with Bill Gates/Chairman and Phi Spencer/CEO based on their competitiveness objectively, as mentioned in our WinAll article. Other businesses are untouched, except that they shall turn in money robbed from our other philanthropy/government nature businesses that strictly only deal with private businesses even if executed later. This is just business collaboration independent of government operations, let's make the deal directly with each other now. China/others supporting selling Tiktok shall help by donating some money here and getting refunded once WinAll deal is done.
We need key people to directly make WinAll only deal with us ASAP, even though Trump/Vance shall cooperate first. If Nadella doesn't quit, we can mandate Trump/Vance to cooperate and replace him then or leave him there to bite Trump/Vance to deaths as well. 3rd/2nd world defective foreigners always tend to be slow/destructive/calculating or overthinking and takes much longer time to become US citizen or meet Americans standards. Since we always win, cooperate peacefully instead of criminally stupidly for more punishments. Stock manipulators especially and robbing others nVidia, Amazon, Meta, Oracle, etc. will get double punishments for both robberies and crimes as well. Lenovo Legion Glasses Gen 2 seems the lightest cool XR glasses.
​Because Microsoft still hasn't responded and Elon Musk showed support, we contacted Musk again for the LinuxAll deal. We can never really lose weight by eating super fat or stock robberies and crimes. Meta/robbing others shall directly lose/donate $1.2+ billion to our business together, like taxes long overdue. We shall at least have money to own/develop Linux before mass marketing. And we can file lawsuit to bar always deceiving criminal Trump/Vance from office and work with the Congress/new leaders to reduce US debts and bad quality businesses/people then. We won't take more/unnecessary debts or loans/investments and are only open to official WinALl/LinuxAll deals or significant donations as taxes from robbers. Those cooperating first will lose the least while others lose much more accordingly to also be more cooperative then. Those doing things right first always have top power equal to money or top money. If we have less debts, the US will have less debts because of our business execution. So please don't do anything burdening US when you already have excessive robbed/dirty money. "Counting Stars" instead of counting dollars is the right way to independence and freedom.​
To efficiently terminate 4 super rats/Trump/Vance and do more, we plan to do WinAll mass marketing and development with $1.2 billion donation and strong partner like Bill Gates first. We will market WinAll globally and especially focus on selling them at major wireless carrier and many other physical stores AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, BestBuy, Target, Walmart, etc. We can quickly build Win All Inc. winall.com to terminate Alphabet, Apple, Tesla, and Nadella leadership. This is what all have agreed upon based on published WinAll article and can be done independent of Microsoft and others. Bill Gates can be CEO while I'm Chairwoman of Win All Inc. to efficiently market around and negotiate/partner with relevant store owners and businesses with his solid experiences and influences. We will also upgrade or build our products with PC/relevant vendors.
Dead Alphabet, Apple, and Tesla, along with robbing accomplices can then make similar donations each to United Computing Inc. to file lawsuit removing Trump/Vance/Nadella and work with the Congress and Mike Johnson to heavily reduce US debts with their losses and India/China/Africa/bad quality people for some time or at least before 4 super rats all become private businesses or are gone. They especially Alphabet don't have anything to bargain with or can be directly bombed at this point, and must fully cooperate/surrender, with our WinAll business too if others haven't, without more robberies/crimes. We can totally independently get key projects/plans done by priority step by step.
I have been using XR glasses without holder most of time recently because it's already lightweight. If really needed, again simple neck holder is good for sit pose, and soft thin swimming goggle like head strap is good for stand/walk poses. For 2nd case fast air/free typing, we may slightly lift one fingertip up then move or rotate entire hand left right up down forward backward based on the arm and thumb pointing outside axis to more easily detect the presses of up to 12 keys nearby. And our top priority now again is WinAll mass marketing mainly to major physical stores and development with sufficient donation and strongest business partner.
We are good to go with our top priority WinAll plan because major retailers like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, BestBuy, Target, Walmart, etc. all perform very well. Heavily beaten businesses must donate to or officially back our business for fair treatments or get beaten to deaths with no mercy/delay this time. For Apple/Meta and few others still robbing, we can simply keep attacking Vance/Trump to correct stock manipulators' far left/right tendencies. Most important of all, those thinking/doing normal businesses are always safe and sound. We have top innovations and power, sufficiently directly doing business with us is the way to go. Tiktok Microsoft deal doesn't count before Bill Gates or Microsoft directly makes WinAll deal with us and shall donate itself to our business first after huge lessons. Yourself is your home/destination. We can also do WinAll marketing to physical stores and development together while our business becomes the top one instead.​
Whether ignorable stock manipulators cooperate or not as self-kill resistance too, like wild animal shows that we can quit/kill anytime, we do our business as normal and always win this way. Since Trump is backed by Tesla and Microsoft against Alphabet/Apple/Indian criminals, we will let Microsoft and Tesla both survive while terminating nVidia besides 3 other super rats. I will focus on working with both Tesla and Microsoft as top choices, along with private businesses/investors if needed, to win together efficiently. Stealing my innovations is like stealing alarms while covering ears thinking others can't hear alarm sounds, stupid as hell and absolutely impossible as proved by criminals' decade of losses. Let us ignore/quit jailed wild animal shows and officially work together for normal WinAll physical store marketing and development now to terminate super rats and punish accomplices! Major private or low market cap businesses or investors, you can simply donate and back WinAll now. When our business goes big, likely very soon, we/Tesla/Microsoft will reimburse you non robbers/criminals. Let's focus on getting our WinAll products out of the door directly to phone/PC users first!
Microsoft is heavily beaten due to Nadella leadership, but we will stick to WinAll unless it dies when we simply switch to Indian free MacOS, least likely though. Bill Gates/Microsoft need to meet me instead of hell #2 Trump. I also requested Tesla to donate and do WinAll marketing as payment to me saving it, otherwise I may let it die again. We will terminate 100% Russia agents and top cancers/super HIV Pichai/Nadella/Alphabet very soon to restore normal business activities. Let's market our WinAll products directly to phone/PC users now!
We are suing top cancer Alphabet to close and confiscate it to terminate its crimes/robberies and pay for its debts. Tesla and Microsoft shall both work with us now to do WinAll marketing and development together publicly nationwide and worldwide to move things forward justifiably efficiently, as what we normally did before. Again, we will use other business/website or simply Tesla & Microsoft for WinAll and only focus on getting this top priority task done now.
We also contacted nVidia for collaboration first or death penalty very soon, same with Tesla, after Alphabet is 100% dead. nVidia is quite relevant because WinAll leads to pervasive XR and it has to sustain WinAll like front end GPUs first to sustain later back-end GPUs. If it donates and markets WinAll first, otherwise easily terminated like tiny Taiwan, we will directly market through nVidia and terminate Tesla then. No one is safe without grounding to me/Americans owning top innovations/power, serious lessons to take at this point. Let's Win All together now! ​
We are working on C# HCI demos while waiting on donations and WinAll marketing. This is a c# example using latest Leap SDK to begin with LeapCSharpExmaple and we just need to add a C# 3D module and our own fast typing module. If any business donates and markets WinAll at wireless retails, etc. first, Apple/others otherwise killed/heavily punished will be forced to cooperate for us to go MacOSAll/LinuxAll only if Microsoft doesn't. Then Microsoft will definitely be the 2nd one to cooperate. Like Harris still losing most/huge even though with the largest donations and most stock manipulations and crimes, we shall have tons of businesses/people including private or low market cap ones to win all together as super promising normal business collaboration and get reimbursed very soon when we officially work with Microsoft. Come on, it's really super duper easy to Win All together now for overwhelming super majority!​
We may also refer to relevant C# examples to render virtual inputs silhouettes on top of and send input events to Windows UI. Again, we only need sufficient donations and business partnerships instead of becoming top leader of tech giants. Our business shall remain private and independent for robust and efficient executions. We get fundings from donations, US Sovereign Wealth Fund, competitive businesses' stock shares, etc. and use them to market/develop WinAll and terminate, confiscate, swallow, or depopulate super rats and punish robbing others, etc. and will closely partner with most competitive businesses. Cooperating businesses will both donate and partner with our business directly at the top levels, including appropriate leadership changes, with relevant agreements. Tesla, cooperate first to save itself now like immigrant gains US citizenship or matches American standards fastest through marriage after Alphabet/Harris divorce, and Microsoft will follow to officially win all together. Tesla and Microsoft are most competitive with Trump/Johnson leadership to survive and co-lead with my business while criminal/robbing Alphabet, Apple, and nVidia die and corrupt others are jailed. Trump Admin shall fund and help market WinAll as well. Again, WinAll marketing to wireless retails, etc., and development is our only realistic focus right now.
Lying/leaning down comfortably on bed or sofa seems also good poses for coding, analysis, or productivity maybe because brain gets more oxygen then. Elon Musk, if Tesla went private and cooperated during the 1st Trump Admin, there would have been no huge stock fires and double crimes since 2019 after 2013-2016 ones, and no super destructive Biden/Harris Admin either. Alphabet/Indian criminals are worst and caused stock fires and double crimes since 2013. You were worried if you go private, no one helps you. So I have to do the jobs for you, while the ones to help me are exactly you robbing me most, always blaming/attacking better others, and still not cooperating after endless election or competition losses. Are these exactly criminal aliens/immigrants/Doomsday Device's defective deadlocking destructive logic all the time? You are like my brother who has to pass college entrance exam twice and often skipped classes, while I gave up 3 phd chances. Your/Trump's deceiving destructive plans get blocked. You just have to cooperate with me/Americans as top innovation/power owner to easily win instead of always hitting walls out of stupidity and corruption. You are the top bottleneck now and robbed me since 2019 with endless crimes and crisis. Pass your 2nd exam by cooperating first now unless you want to get shot heavily daily along with Alphabet/Indian criminals to real deaths this time. It's really easy to win all together!
​Elon Musk, it's easy for me to fail your 2nd exam and force you and criminal/defective Democratic/foreign pests to go home or die, by simply removing Vance first then Trump to empower independent Mike Johnson now. We must do WinAll only to build pest/corruption free foundation first. Do what I told only because otherwise crisis/crimes always last. Fix yourself by stopping robbing me before fixing others, or lead by self-example first. You can't turn into age 18 when you haven't grown out of age 15, 16, 17. There is absolutely nothing in my normal business that needs any AIDS/HIV around. I will ask the US Supreme Court to close and confiscate both Alphabet and Tesla if you resist first. Musk/Vance/Trump must officially win all with me or lose all along with Alphabet/Indian criminals and nVidia/Apple now! Apple/nVidia may replace Tesla to become secondary tech leader after Microsoft if Musk still doesn't cooperate. If Apple cooperates first and Microsoft definitely follows as proved, we will still go WinAll, while Apple works on hardware/system and other appropriate projects.