Easy Empowerment, Freedom and New Earth Solutions
Leverage our super middle and New Earth technical and economic/political innovations to fix those toughest chronic problems easily. Our Windows all-in-one personal computing innovations/platforms are the gates to most businesses/people and most cost effective and efficient mass awareness/collaboration. Our business backs the US government and world instead of special interests. The US and foreign nations can’t fix themselves independently for 100+ years. China led by me can help fix the US/world best with its political roads/experiences, cost-effective products and resources, best infrastructure and construction capabilities, etc. Let’s open up our minds or think/act out of box for much better future.
Vote for Americans or the two most competitive democratic conservative governors as the US President & VP now to empower/free us and create New Earth together. We are typical or average independent who voted to empower ourselves, so will Americans. Please help mass campaign our messages to all and contact/follow us for votes/benefits and inputs/updates now.
Pass the laws to shut down the stock market permanently that kills major corruptions/crimes, huge inequalities, and pays off the US debts quickly with (escaped) stock confiscations maybe beginning at 9/27/2023 from the US public businesses and investors. Other nations can do the same along with overpopulation treatment and better economies to pay off their debts. Exceptions may be the richest above $70 billion can have up to $1 billion wealth, the less rich’s wealth limits follow certain thresholds or curves, and the poor/average suffer big losses otherwise, while most investors’ stock shares are confiscated (https://siblisresearch.com/data/us-stock-market-value/, https://www.companiesmarketcap.com/, https://www.forbes.com/real-time-billionaires).
Overpopulation creates all kinds of problems and its treatment is mainly based on planned parenthood and assisted suicides for bad quality people. Our target is 2.5 billion global population. We evaluate the quality and potential for each person or region and treat them accurately (https://docslib.org/doc/4554435/overshoot-index-2016-v2) by priority. With the same eco footprint per nation like 3.4, such as 3.4 for the upper-middle class or China's, each nation’s sustainable equitable population = its eco footprint / 3.4 x its sustain population, which may take decades to achieve and have varieties or exceptions taking population qualities into consideration. India/China/the US ideal populations would be 170/392/350 million for instance. We can leverage our platforms for cost-effective mass awareness and overpopulation treatments, passing relevant laws/policies, etc. Racism may be eliminated by raising white quality kids only globally. English as the first language globally may eliminate language/culture barriers.
Americans are always the US real boss but tolerate corruptions/crimes on them way too much. We will actively engage Americans to take power back officially and leverage their votes/inputs or collaborations along with moderation from independent experts on key projects through our tech and government platforms to fix the toughest chronic problems easily and efficiently, also achieving true democracy instead of fake two-party democracy for the richest. West-east wars and corruptions/crimes are terminated through reducing money/population/power inequalities and better lives/economies/worlds.
The two major political parties are like President Coin and Snow in Hunger Games. Having true democracy in place, we will consolidate the best of two parties into the Democratic Conservative Party with competitive leaderships and policies and discard the bad ones for unity and efficiency. Conservatives support overpopulation treatment and gay marriage now, and our projects are mostly conservative ones, such as homestead, trailers, offgrid energy/medical and other technologies, sustainability, reducing spendings/debts, reducing money/population/power inequalities, New Heaven and Earth, etc. (https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225).

Build freedom affordable homes or mobile self-sustainable smart community with some long (~40 feet) farm, utility, workshop, and house trailers (https://www.tinyhomebuilders.com) towed by electric vehicles for up to 10 people, with free off-grid utilities (https://scarabane.com/), free major consumptions, and free lands/lots (https://www.realestateskills.com/blog/how-to-find-vacant-properties) everywhere included, and solutions transferable to shipping container, ocean, air, hybrid, and other communities of scales and diversities.
1. Electric vehicles and their accommodation kits w/o better designs coupled with the utility, farm, and workshop trailers or relevant jobs can help many become self sustainable quickly.
2. Utility and workshop trailers are new or used office trailers (search for office trailer) with upgrades including a bedroom for each and a full bathroom in utility trailer. Farm trailer can be a cattle trailer with full tarp enclosure addition and optionally greenhouse inside (http://galyeantrailer.com, search for greenhouse trailer) or customized greenhouse on trailer. House trailer is a not-so tiny house trailer with 1~2 bedrooms/1~1.5 bathrooms/living room/kitchen/laundry. Each trailer is powered by an advanced off-grid generator.
3. Utility trailer provides free mobile off-grid water by getting/releasing water from/to air with atmospheric water generator NRG (https://www.ardorm.com) and wastewater evaporator LandShark2.0 (https://www.resourcewest.com), and water and wastewater treatment with greywater and blackwater recycling system Aqualoop (https://www.ecoviewater.com). It has bedroom/storage/workshop, electric vehicle charging station, and zero waste (https://www.goingzerowaste.com/blog/101-ways-to-go-zero-waste/) management facilities such as water/food recycling, bidet seats, toilet/cleaning towels, hand dryers, towel washer/sanitizer/dryer, reusable green containers/packages, etc.
4. Farm trailer includes an aquaponics system (https://www.portablefarms.com) based on modular tank systems or a long (https://www.tarpaulintank.com) rectangular pond with fishes, animals (6+ chickens, 2+ goats), and a cage with mesh floor, standalone with manure collection or on top of the pond with a ladder and detachable wheels for outside fenced activities, plants including vegetables, fruits, herbs, beans, potatoes, nuts, small trees, etc. for food, medical care, and medicines that grow across all trailers, and moving facilities like rollable fences, collapsible tanks, etc. (search for integrated fish poultry farming, and greenhouse jungle nature images) Integrated automated farming solutions reduce labors.
5. Workshop trailer(s) integrate several sinks, advanced medical devices, full body vibration exercise machine (https://www.inthenewage.com/Whole-Body-Vibration-Machines_c_1860.html), together with personal care facilities, makerspace (https://wholesalesuppliesplus.com, https://urbanworkshop.net/equipment) facilities, other robots/machines or facilities, to produce everyday products, off-grid generators, medical devices, clothing, housing, vehicles, education/training, etc. (search for homemade products, sewing robot, and home schooling).

The front end mobile homesteads can be multi trailers-in-one expandable or transformable trailers to ease mobility. Later on we will build our largely mobile community centers or bases to produce (search baidu for 欣北集, https://andersonmobileestates.com, https://www.cottonlogistics.com/, http://www.boxcool.com.cn/product.html) and maintain infrequently consumed products. Unsustainable, expensive, duplicate, redundant, wasteful, or trivial businesses and productions will all be eliminated. Our products will be in best quality, very affordable, sustainable, durable, and partly shareable to maximize user experience and resource utilization pervasively.
Our mobile communities of diversities and scales also minimize the relocation expenses associated with building New Earth where many places are upgraded or rebuilt from scratch. They are like small businesses providing full employment and housing, and well financed through home buyers/renters, job seekers, travelers, and sales of communities, trailers, and components such as utilities, housing, transportation, food, everyday products, charging, medical care, education, clothing, etc.
With our independent votes and freedom communities, we can take our power back officially and speak or do truly legal/right things freely. The US and China then complement each other to build New Earth soft (apps/AI/social/websites/spirits) and hard (infrastructure/construction/physical products) bodies most cost effectively and efficiently, along with other nations (search images for ä¸å›½åŸºå»º, 最美城市, 美丽ä¸å›½, http://politics.people.com.cn/n1/2022/1014/c1001-32545391.html).

Our new self-sustainable smart communities of all kinds will be standalone or isolated from old buggy world, with key technology classifications, double pricing of appropriate individual items applied for our communities and external world adopting a much slower civilization pace of upgrades upon successful tests and deployments of new communities over time, to minimize the chaos/bugs/risks, following general product or regional/national development and upgrade routines.
We efficiently cost effectively build New Earth and communities by mobilizing/sharing/managing resources of all kinds locally and globally and building/upgrading/diversifying community templates
Since our business is natural monopoly and the gates to most businesses and people, and our other projects/plans share the similar nature, it will become private State Owned Enterprise co-led and co-owned by our business founder, US government, and Americans, to the permanent and best interests of most businesses, nations, and people. Our business will replace most obsolete or corrupt Alphabet, Apple, Tesla, and regulate corrupt others.
Sending our political campaign messages to all American voters' cellphones and the like till they vote w/o inputs is the best and fastest way out for everyone. We will improve our solutions if needed till we get enough or most votes. Governments should do so for their people independently. We will build and maintain the medium size and grade self sustainable smart governments to minimize corruptions from their employees and operation expenses. Places voting for us are also where relevant independent policies and innovations can be immediately official and benefiting the public. They can build mobile self sustainable smart communities and enforce favorable policies there now for instance.