United Computing Inc.
We are a private business powering the US government and the world. Our Windows All-in-one Devices & Platforms and New Earth Projects & Plans will replace the cores of major businesses and nations, with one in the OS/chip and hardware/software domains, and another one in the domains of economy, politics, consumption, sustainability, infrastructure, construction, AI, search, GPU, social, etc. These projects also more or less upgrade other businesses. Technically & politically competitive people, businesses, and nations jointly lead these projects. We established the alliance including United Computing Inc. and it led smartphone/PC OS/chip/hardware and software/apps, major consumption, sustainability, AI, search, social, infrastructure, construction, and other businesses to build our innovative products and better world together.
New Earth Windows All-In-One Devices & Platforms
Replace Alphabet/Apple OSs, mobile devices, computers, gaming/AR/VR devices, software, apps, etc. with Microsoft and United Computing co-owned mobile/desktop/cloud computing OS/chip/hardware and software, wearables, AR/VR, AI, HCI, 3D UI, robotics, and other technologies as the major post iPhone innovations.
New Earth Overpopulation Treatment
Aggressive planned parenthood and assisted suicides for overpopulated bad quality people and nations or regions to achieve sustainable equitable quality population everywhere and globally. Mandate quality work for living and engage the overpopulated 2/3 world population and bad quality businesses in creating New Earth.
New Earth Social, Sustainability, and Mobility
Maximize interactions and collaborations across the US, world, businesses, families, consumption domains, communities, and other domains. Build self-sustainable smart circular economy products and mobile or fixed communities and cities of diversities and scales, such as land, ocean, space, culture, geology, and consumption based ones, and gradually replace obsolete or bad quality businesses.
New Earth Infrastructure, Construction, etc.
Leverage China the infrastructure maniac's resources and our projects to upgrade or build New Earth infrastructure and hard bodies with souls or personalities. Achieve full quality employment. Raise white quality kids to eliminate racism and defective souls. English as the 1st language globally. Pass relevant laws. Misc other intuitive childish projects/plans.
New Earth Simulation, AI, and Search
Design, plan, and simulate New Earth communities and hard bodies to minimize cost leveraging HPC/GPU/CPU/AI technologies. Apply and manage consistent organized technologies across all consumption domains. Intelligently help users find, get, arrange, or manage better survival or living opportunities and experiences of all kinds.
New Earth Global Social Democracy
Reduce inequalities of power, money, population, etc. causing problems of all kinds, especially huge national debts, stock market robberies, broken economies, and crimes/wars through social democracy. Apply social democracy globally strategically. Merge two US parties into the Democratic Conservative Party with conservative majority for unity and efficiency.
Ready to find out more?
We have come up with the drafts or proposals for each of the six main projects/plans, completed the prototyping of Windows all-in-one products and mobile self-sustainable smart communities in particular, and tried the initial solutions of other projects/plans, especially running for the US President to fix the toughest chronic US/world problems. These works pave the ways towards New Earth with modern sustainable smart diverse communities, cities, nations and better survival or living opportunities and experiences of all kinds. For more information, please check our solutions, shop, and vote webpages, and join our email lists or memberships for business updates.